Since 2009, a stock portfolio comprised of the publicly traded simplest brands in our Global Top Ten has outperformed the major indexes.

How much a portfolio of the world's simplest brands has beaten the average global stock index since 2009
The percentage of consumers who are more likely to recommend a brand because it provides simpler experiences and communications
The percentage of consumers willing to pay more for simpler experiences
Perennially simple
Aldi, Google and Lidl stay securely in the top three spots this year, demonstrating a stalwart commitment to keeping things simple for customers.
Consistently complex
Bupa and AXA remain in the bottom 10 again this year—for insurance companies, achieving simplicity certainly isn’t easy.
Featured Disrupter
Dollar Shave Club takes the top spot on our US disrupters list. It appears a high-quality product and hassle-free delivery gives this band a serious edge.
About face
Health and beauty product purveyor Sephora drops 29 spots in the Global Index. Maintaining simplicity can’t be just skin–deep.
Feeding frenzy
Perennial high-performer McDonald's is joined by Burger King and KFC in this year’ top ten, showing that quick service also means simple service.
Taking off
British Airways elevates an impressive 22 spots in this year’s Global Index to #46, while perennial low–flyer Ryan Air remains in the bottom 10.